AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner


Prepares for solution architect associate
contents: Cloud concepts, security, Technology, pricing
not really a big thing for developers

Benefits of AWS

  1. trade capital cost for variable expense
  2. Massive economy of scale
  3. Stop guessing capacity
  4. Increase speed and agility for setup
  5. No data centres
  6. global


Deployment models

Global infrastructure

Setting up account

Personal or professional

Billing Limits

IAM (Identity and access management)

Generally don't want to use root account. So create accounts, set permissions. Create an account name, activate MFA for multi factor authorisation. Manage user, add user. Create group with administrator access Set most users to power users (so can't manage users and groups) Get access key id, secret, password. Reset access keys here.

Hands on setup

EC2 Pricing

Billing and Pricing

Free services, but the resources they setup will cost.

AWS support plans

AWS marketplace

Independent vendors which run on AWS. AMIs
e.g. Launch an instance of a marketplace service in EC2
EC2 -> aws marketplace -> tensorflow and set up an AMI
Go back to AWS marketplace to see the subscriptions you have.
Shut down instances to stop costs.

AWS trusted advisor

Automated advisor on security, saving money, performance, fault tolerance, service limits

Preferences can set automated emails every week from trusted advisor.

Consolidated billing

One account considered master account for the organisation. Billing is all via master account.
Get volume discounts with consolidated billing: aggregate usage and get cheaper rates for higher volume of e.g. storage.

Cost explorer

to see expected costs. Visualise, understand, manage all costs over time.
Forecasting of costs.
Nice graphs, can filter adn cut e.g. by service.
Report writer.

AWS Budgets

First 2 budgets are free, then 0.02 per day. Set up alerts if you exceed or approach budget limits.
Cost, usage or reservation buckets.
Track at monthly, quarterly, annual levels.
covers EC2, RDS, Redshift, Elasticache. Notified by email or chatbot (e.g. if using slack or chime (AWS version of slack))

TCO calculator

for Executive reports. Estimate how much you would save moving from on prem to AWS.
Lots of stuff in report!

AWS landing zone

Helps enterprises set up a secure AWS multi account.
Baseline environment to get started. Best practices.
e.g. sets up separate account for log archives, security, cloud etc.

AWS resource groups

set Tags on an instance, assign to resource groups.
Use in e.g. EC2. LOts of services use tags.
Good way to find resources on a project.

AWS quickstarts

Prebuilt templates to help deploy popular stacks on AWS. Reduce hundreds of manual procedures to a few steps.
3 parts: reference architecture, AWS cloud formation template, deployment guide saying whats done.
e.g. IOT camera connector.

AWS cost and usage report

Big spreadsheet output in S3 bucket for all resources and costs. Query in database or use quicksight.


Organisations and accounts

Account can be turned into master account
Organization: a group of accounts. Can add policies to org units
IAM -> AWS organizations
Organizational unit e.g. developers, and attach policies to the Organization
Can set policy to e.g. limit actions to only EC2.
Can't delete accounts, just suspend.

AWS Networking

Region -> VPC (logical section of the could just for you, to launch resources)
In a VPC, want to have subnets: logical partition of an IP network into multiple smaller network segments, e.g. hard a public subnet and a private subnet.
Subnets in an AZ
Internet Gateway to allow VPC to access outside
Route table determines where traffic is directed.
Security groups
NACL is security at subnet level

AWS Databases

Aurora is AWS integrated version of MySQL or PSQL, faster.
Aurora more expensive but faster.
Aurora serverless you only run when you need it. Good for developement, or serverless.


Provisioning is the allocation or creation of resources and services to a customer.
Use different services: Elastic beanstalk for deploying / scaling web apps
Cloud formation, OpsWorks, AWS Quickstart, AWS marketplace all allow resource creation.

Compute services

Storage services

Business services

Enterprise integration

Bring on prem and AWS to work together.


services initials


Customer does data and configuration.
AWS do the hardware, managed services, global infrastructure. So don't make a mistake with your config.

Security services