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AWS Fundamentals

Migration process

normal journey is project, foundation, migration, retire tech debt, reinvention




Availability zone

EC2 elastic cloud compute

Virtual servers. Scalable.


AWS Spot

Storage options

Amazon EBS: Elastic block store


$0.10 per allocated GB per month

Address with

Used for access control, charging, account, namespace. Can auto handle versions.

Object are data plus metadata.

Key plus version uniquely identifies version of object within the bucket.

bucket + key + version -> object.

Put does a commit but takes time to replicate across servers, so possible to get an old copy with a get.

2 simultaneous puts the request with latest timestamp wins.

API: REst interface returns metadata in HTTP headers. Soap deprecated. AWS sdk is the alternate.

AWS SDK wraps the Rest interface.

Charges based on what you use. No setup fees, just month;y usage charges.

S3 select

Generally with S3 you retrieve an object and then query it.

can run from CLI, console, or any of the SDKs or write a program.

Amazon Athena

Like S3 select but runs more complex SQL.


These are backups. Can transfer from lightsail (basic) to EC2 (more features)

S3 glacier

region: grouping of availability zones each AZ has one or more data center.

Security groups for Amazon virtual private cloud

Aim is to allow corp people ot access database and services, customers just to access public subnet for internet access, private subnet for corporate access linked to own datacentre. security groups specify the ip addresses and ports that you can use to access it.


Use cloudwatch to monitor look at all metrics, set alerts, look for optimisations.


Automated deployment

Route 53 (DNS)



Then can connect using your own ssh client.

VPC (Virtual private cloud)

SSH setup