AWS Machine Learning


CX = Customer experience

CCAAS = Contact centre as a service

CX across all touch points:

CX is Primary means of customer differentiation.

CS means 6 pillars (gives mechanism for prioritising and sequencing your plan)

ROAS: return on ad spend. a marketing metric that measures the amount of revenue your business earns for each dollar it spends on advertising. For all intents and purposes, ROAS is practically the same as another metric you're probably familiar with: return on investment, or ROI

Amazon Connect 2017: one application for scalable solution, Contact routing, call handling, analysis, messaging, voice.
Phone menus, predicted insights
Consumption based, not set up cost.
Customer insight gap: capture and use all the data customer gives you.

AWS Connect services:

  1. AWS Lambda: event driven serverless compute service
  2. Amazon Polly: dynamic text to speech
  3. Amazon lex: Build voice and text NLU conversational automation
  4. Amazon Sagemaker Machine learning
  5. Amazon Translate
  6. Alexa for business and home: Integrate Alexa
  7. Amazon Pinpoint push notifications to SMS, mobile
  8. Amazon Comprehend: NLP for sentiment / keyword matching
  9. Amazon Transcribe: Automatic speech recognition
  10. Amazon Kendra: Enterprise search
  11. Amazon Personalise ML to Predict next action
  12. Amazon connect: Omnichannel marketing

Allows same flow to be used for voice, text, app chat. Agent can interact if necessary. Amazon lens: monitor sentiment through the call.

ML operations at scale

Challenges of large scale ML

Build train deploy monitor

problems: But then retrain, retest. Iterative in design, but also after deployment.
Data drift: change in stats, e.g. market movement drives change in behavior. Then need to retrain.
Need good tools to compare results.
New data from extra customers. New features mean more and better data.
Need to annotate data so can be used for ML.

Increasing complexity in 3 dimensions: Delivery more complex, team size growing, scale of users and data increasing.

If have separate ML and software teams:

ML going from science experiment to engineering practice.

More mature now. Saas, CI / CD, experiments for A/B, automatic monitoring Needs better foundational tools to prepare for business growth.


Workflow orchestration

e.g. Metaflow, Flyte, Apache Airflow, Kubeflow, AWS Step functions.
Mainly build on Kubernetes, hive, spark.
Can e.g. use AWS sagemaker for ML, deploy in Kubernetes.

Amazon Tools

All wrapped in Amazon Sagemaker studio.

New data

Building AI into your app

Customers using smart functions, automation, understanding questions.

Amazon AI services

give simple easy to use ML.
Generally pay as you go.

Building Block approach

Python integration, API calls.

For practicals look at

Building NLP models with Sagemaker

Natural language processing

Bert is the latest NLP model. Uses masking to help learning. Apply a fine tuning classifier to it to get the results you want.

Popular deep learning frameworks:

Sagemaker support for tensorflow.

New tools 2020