Elastic Load Balancing

Basic setup

IAM role setup

Create a role, give it a policy. EC2 instance can assume a role. Gives short term permissions.

S3 setup

Load Balancers

Single end point, lots of targets.
High availability and fault tolerance.
Health checks to see if instances available.

Set up DNS record in Route 53 to send traffic on a DNS name to the ALB

ELB scales by adding ELB nodes in your subnets

ELB security groups need to be reachable, and need to be able to run health checks on targets.

ALB Application load balancer

Level 7, HTTP listeners, request level Query string Supports path and host based routing.
IP addresses, Lambda functions, etc

Network load balancer

Level 4. TCP listeners, connection level Ultra high performance, very low latency, high number of connections. Can have static ip address or ELP


Old generation

ELB details

Target group

Register instances in target groups Say how many need to be awake Target group is the group of instances that the traffic is distributed to. (this can be an auto scaling set) Can send traffic to different target groups depending on the path or host in the HTTP headers. Can choose to make client sessions round robin / least queue or sticky to a EC2 instance.

Path based routing

ELB monitoring

Cloudwatch every 1 minute by default

Set options in load balancer to store logs to S3.
The logs can record the source IP address of the client through the stack, not just e.g. the last layer originating the request. Both of these pass on the source IP address so it's in logs. Need to use Proxy protocol (layer 4 in NLB) or X-forwarded-For (Layer 7 in ALB) to do this.

Auto scaling

Auto scaling group setup

Scaling options:

  1. keep at initial size
  2. use scaling policies to scale up and down
  3. rules to increase and decrease group size
  4. create scheduled action

Scaling policies:

Termination policies:


Stress environment setup

Install epel from amazon-linux-extras to get stress environment

sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel -y
sudo yum install stress -y
stress -c 8

Launch templates

Set AMI, instance type, key pair, network interfaces.
Can create from an existing instance.
Has versions.
Can combine purchase options: e.g. spot and on demand

ASG Health checks

ASG termination policies

Default policy chooses which instance to terminate (can choose a different policy)

  1. AZ with most instances
  2. try to align on-demand vs spot
  3. any using old versions of templates
  4. any oldest launch configurations
  5. closest to next billing hour

ASG details

Can suspend certain behaviors e.g. termination, replace unhealthy Cooldown period: Warmup period:

ELB extra details

Cross zone load balancing

ELB distributes traffic between zones, using ELB Nodes (you don't see these). With cross zone off, each zone gets e.g. 50% of traffic With cross zone on, each zone gets traffic relating to the numbers of instances.

Cross zone load balancing is always enabled for ALB. Cross zone load balancing is optional enabled for NLB.

Sticky sessions: ALB only. uses cookie on client side.

ALB listeners

Multi tier web application with SG, ALB

Want ALB to listen on 80 to anything Want EC2 instances in private subnet Best to set up SGs so ALB accepts any traffic on port 80, but only sends to private SG. Instances in private subnet in an SG to only accept traffic from the public SG.

Create a couple of private subnets in different AZs.
Add nat gateway with elastic IP address. Create route table to allow traffic between subnets, and also outbound traffic to go to net gateway. Create ASG with instances in private subnets.

simple secure SG setup:

Full solution:

better Security group configuration for this:

And so on for e.g. database layer.