Modules to write web applications.
Mainly just server side. Handles the low level comms, can just use conventions and get services. Interpret requests, parameters, handle cookies, sessions. Responses as HTML or other, store data, etc. Can be full service or less.
A web application may use a combination of a base HTTP application server, a storage mechanism such as a database, a template engine, a request dispatcher, an authentication module and an AJAX toolkit. These can be individual components or be provided together in a high-level framework.
Django, TurboGears, Web2py are high level full stack.
Less popular: Grok, pylons
Less complete: CherryPy, Flask, Hug, Pyramid.
Basically use Django for full facilities, Flask for solid foundation with less features.
Api: talk to objects methods. Expose methods.
Web service: api over the web.
Rest API follows rules of Rest spec.
Rest = "Representational state transfer"
HTTP is a way to send a receive messages over a network. Get method, post method, headers.
Rest is for distributed systems.
Rest is a way to implement HTTP.
Roy Feilding defined rules for best practice. requests and responses, type of messages
Client tells service provider which operation to perform. Expressed in HTTP verb. E.g. use the DELETE http verb, not just a GET request (not restful)
Client tells service provider what data to operate on (scoping information). Scoping information should go in the URI / URL. Scoping info is parameter in URI.
GET for get data, POST for creating, DELETE for deleting etc.
Common data formats for data (basically JSON)
Communication is stateless
Service consumer calls service priovider with HTTP request, verb plus data as JSON.
URI: uniform resourse identifier. Have Name and location.
URL: uniform resourse locator. Just the location. Needs to have Protocol (http, ftp etc) and domain (
Optional are port (which door into the service), default is 80 for http. Path.
URN: uniform resourse name. Just the name. 2 can have same name, so better to use URL.
Both the URL and URN are types of URI's
Query strings: proceeded by ?, key value pairs.
Fragments: #fragment. Used for location in document.
Http is connectionless. After making request, dies. No state. Any sort of data transferred. Stateless, so client and server only know about eachother during request. Created to fetch HTML and return to the client.
Web request:
TCPIP handles the connection.
HTTP established connection, sends HTTP message, disconnects.
Server processes request, prepares response, established connection, sends message.
Http message:
Start line, headers, body. Plain text.
Start line with method (command: these are POST, PUT, DELETE), URI (domain, path), HTTP version
Headers: Host (server), language, accept (mime type)
http version
status code (200 for OK, 404 for file not found)
body (file data)
Monolithic: modules packaged to one or more JARs. Problem is that it grows endlessly. When you have a large app like this you can't be agile. Deployment is painful. No autonomy between teams. Complex merging, integration testing.
Microservice architecture:
Functional decomposition. Separate modules in application into standalone separately deployable application. Each has it's own database. Api gateway in between the clients and the multiple services, acts as a façade.
Book: the art of scalability, written by ebay people.
Advantages: Enables agile, continuous deployment, deployment independently. Allows teams less interaction, new technologies.
Disadvnatages: complexity of developing distributed systems, so interprocess communication, not just function call. Need to handle partial failure (service down or slow..). Complexity of transactions which need to span multiple databases. Complexity of testing with dependencies. Deployment complex. Not 3 copies of big app, but 100 versions of different modules (use Docker). Develop and deploy across multiple teams.
There are solutions.
Questions and answers:
How to deply the services? Use docker.
How do the services communicate
How to clients communicate with services
How to partition the system into services
How to deal with distributed data management: use "events"
Shared Database issue: in monolithic app, modules generally have their own tables in the shared database, but also need to access common tables, customer data. Decreases autonomy, lack of knowledge of who accesses each table. Distributed transactions over multiple databases are not practical.
Event driven architecture is solution to this. Chain events and transactions. Order service creates order in a pending state. Publishes event. Consumed by Customer service, which checks credit line and returns an event for success of credit check. Consumed by Order service to commit the order.
Event log: Hard to guarantee that the db update and the message are delivered, but ways around this. E.g. event log. Use an events table, insert event to say order created, another even to say approved. Other services poll the event table to see the current state.
Benefits: Gives reliable event publishing mechanism, solves data consistency issue, helps with NOSQL databases where there's no transaction control. Store events with simple structure with state changes. Audit log. Temporal queries. Can replay.
Drawbacks: needs application rewrite. Weird way to structure business logic. Stuck with bad history if badly designed events. Querying event store can be difficult to get current status.
Microservice drawbacks:
Different databases so hard to do BI queries.
Docker: solution to deploy the 10s or 100s of services. Challenges are lots of services need to be deployed and monitored. Multi languages, frameworks, versions of languages, scalability. Services need to be independent and balanced. Deployment reliable and cost effective. Container based approach. Service packaged as container image. At runtime each container runs on a VM. Good isolation, manageability, low overhead to machine layer, fast to deploy, efficient resource utilisation.
Simplifies development: less work getting development environment because this info is in the resourse file. Integration testing easy because can use docker compose to set up environment. Build docker image.
Docker install: download for windows.
Easy to configure environments and deploy on any platform. Good for scaling, each environment can have many instances, scales easily. Can e.g. run bash in wondows cmd prompt by telling docker to run bash instance.
e.g. MongoDb.
Good for lost of data unstructured. Collections with documents. Documents are the rows in the tables, but they can have any schema. So rows have different schemas.
Downside is you don't control the data on the way in, upside is you can add anything.
You can kind of relate the multiple collections, but that's not the idea. Instead you put all the orders in one collection, with key data. It's denormalised. Less relation merging, all the data's in one table, May have another table of products. You may need to update the orders when you change the products.
Good for different purposes.
SQL good for schemas, control, relationships which change frequently, scaling is limited.
Horizontal scaling: add more servers. Not good for SQL, easy for Mongo.
Vertical scaling: a more powerful computer. Good for SQL but gets limited.
Ledger: record money in / out / balance.
Bank: you believe their balancledger.
Decentralised: everyone has a ledger. Which one do you believe? Blockchain answers this.
Blockchain: update the ledger every 10 mins. Miners compete for the right to do the update. Solve a maths problem.
After 10 mins, first person solves. If more than 50% of the other miners agree, then the update happens. New transactions arrive, in a block. Going form this address to that address. Good for transparency, authentication, accuracy.
Both built by apache.
Hadoop good for storing data from IOT, social media on commodity hardware. Uses map reduce. Good for unstructured data. Volume, variety and velocity = big data. Schema-on-read: just push it into a data lake, without worrying about the format or how it's going to be used.
Runs on clusters like Cloudera.
Hive is built on top of Hadoop for providing summary, qruey, analysus. SQL like interface. HQL.
Cloudera manager is a tool to use Hive.
Hadoop good for batch systems. Lots of latency to access data.
Because don't need to define what you are writing, people wrote all sorts into data lakes. No governance over the linerage of data, contents of data lake. Data not ready to be consumed, lose faith, turns into data swamp.
Many open source compute engines e.g. Hive, these are too many and too complex to configure. Specialised skills.
Data lakes not really used to build business applications. They store data, do reporting, feed other systems. But not business applications. Lots of complexity just for reports.
Solutiuon is to modernise a business application to get it to access the data lake with SQL.
It's easier now to run analytics and OLTP on the same data.
You want to get the models working in the OLTP so they can dynamiocally react to changes and make in the moment decisions. ML needs to be built in at the database level so updated data is always available to the models.
A unified database that supports transactions, analytics, and other workloads and access patterns in real time without sacrificing transactional integrity, performance, or scalability. No data movement.
14 most significant ones --- Actian, Aerospike, GigaSpaces, GridGain Systems, IBM, InterSystems, MemSQL, Microsoft, MongoDB, Oracle, Redis Labs, SAP, Splice Machine, and VoltDB
Have the OLTP and analysis and data science all using one data source.
Microsoft's solution for unified OLTP and OLAP workloads is ramping up. Although Microsoft has been offering multiple database engines for online transaction processing (OLTP) and online analytical processing (OLAP), its upcoming SQL Server 2016 release will deliver a single unified database for these workloads. In SQL Server 2012, Microsoft delivered an in-memory column-store for data warehousing to support faster business intelligence, analytics, and predictive analytics. And SQL Server 2014 provided an in-memory OLTP database platform to support high-performance transactional applications requiring minimal changes to the application. With SQL Server 2016, Microsoft offers the capability to use in-memory column store with in-memory OLTP for in-memory performance and real-time operational analytics
VoltDB offers a viable translytical database platform. VoltDB is an in-memory database platform that combines streaming analytics with transactions in a single integrated platform. It supports ACID compliance, high performance, and low-latency data access in a scalable distributed shared-nothing in-memory database. VoltDB relies on horizontal partitioning of data to scale out on commodity hardware and the public cloud. It also supports synchronous replication within the database cluster to support high availability. Unlike other vendors, VoltDB is available as open source software under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) as well as under a commercial license. Typically, customers use VoltDB to support real-time analytics and low-latency transactional and operational applications across the telecom, financial services, energy, advertising, security, and gaming industries.
Gartner magic qualdant. Good for experience and value, admin.
Cosmos is a non relational DB
Non relational DBMS are only 1% of the market. MS growning quickly.
Security: encryption built in. "Always encrypted" only application has the key.
Operational analytics: in memory OLTP and in memory analytics. One datastore for OLTP and analysis.
Access easily, cloud or local. Easily manipulate. Reports and dashboards.
Ask questions in English
Good on web or mobile, good visualisations.
BA's use power BI desktop to build visualisations. Can build custom visualisations.
Easy Excel integration. Can bring in data model from Excel.
It's free!! and download free version. Included in Office 365.
Try power BI on German spreadsheet?
One version of the data. Fragmentation is poisonous. Unified platform: one platform for access, for data lake, AI.
Builds on SQL Server heritage and interaction.
Good governance and control.
Power BI desktop has a good ER modelling tool.
Can cache data in memory in Power BI, at aggregated level. Can still drill down to the core data level by sending a query to the underlying system.
Can link into multiple databases for analysis without moving the data.
Data flow to clean data, not tied to a specific report or table. Uses power query. Lots of datasources, and transformation types.
Drag and drop data science.
R and Python directly integrated.
Create a repository
Put some files in it
To edit
Create a branch
Edit and commit changes to branch
Open a pull request for others to pull your changes into their code and comment
Merge branch into the master
Words and sentences in text are created from characters. Examples of characters include the Latin letter á or the Chinese ideograph 請 or the Devanagari character ह.
Characters that are needed for a specific purpose are grouped into a character set (also called a repertoire). (To refer to characters in an unambiguous way, each character is associated with a number, called a code point.)
The characters are stored in the computer as one or more bytes.
Basically, you can visualise this by assuming that all characters are stored in computers using a special code, like the ciphers used in espionage. A character encoding provides a key to unlock (ie. crack) the code. It is a set of mappings between the bytes in the computer and the characters in the character set. Without the key, the data looks like garbage.
A font is a collection of glyph definitions, ie. definitions of the shapes used to display characters.
Once your browser or app has worked out what characters it is dealing with, it will then look in the font for glyphs it can use to display or print those characters. (Of course, if the encoding information was wrong, it will be looking up glyphs for the wrong characters.)
A given font will usually cover a single character set, or in the case of a large character set like Unicode, just a subset of all the characters in the set. If your font doesn't have a glyph for a particular character, some browsers or software applications will look for the missing glyphs in other fonts on your system (which will mean that the glyph will look different from the surrounding text, like a ransom note). Otherwise you will typically see a square box, a question mark or some other character instead. For example:
As a content author or developer, you should nowadays always choose the UTF-8 character encoding for your content or data. This Unicode encoding is a good choice because you can use a single character encoding to handle any character you are likely to need. This greatly simplifies things. Using Unicode throughout your system also removes the need to track and convert between various character encodings.
In the coded character set called ISO 8859-1 (also known as Latin1) the decimal code point value for the letter é is 233. However, in ISO 8859-5, the same code point represents the Cyrillic character щ.
These character sets contain fewer than 256 characters and map code points to byte values directly, so a code point with the value 233 is represented by a single byte with a value of 233. Note that it is only the context that determines whether that byte represents either é or щ.
Alt + F11 to open VBA editor
Functions: take multiple named arguments, set a variable to the name of the fuction to return it.
Function DISCOUNT(quantity, price)
If quantity >=100 Then
DISCOUNT = quantity * price * 0.1
End If
DISCOUNT = Application.Round(Discount, 2)
End Function
Can't take action in a function (use a macro), but can do calculations.
Comment with apostrophie.
To use a custom function, the workbook containing the module in which you created the function must be open. If that workbook is not open, you get a #NAME? error when you try to use the function. If you reference the function in a different workbook, you must precede the function name with the name of the workbook in which the function resides. For example, if you create a function called DISCOUNT in a workbook called Personal.xlsb and you call that function from another workbook, you must type =personal.xlsb!discount(), not simply =discount().
An easier way to make your custom functions available at all times is to store them in a separate workbook and then save that workbook as an add-in. You can then make the add-in available whenever you run Excel.
Function J_ENTROPY(r As Range)
For Each c In r.Cells
Total = Total + c.Value
End Function
Array passing to functions:
You may have noticed that the static array StaticArray in AAATest has the same data type (Long) as the array Arr declared in the parameter list to PopulatePassedArray . This is no coincidence. The rule here is that the data type of the array declared in the calling procedure must match the data type declared in the called procedure's parameter list. While you can declare a simple parameter As Variantto accept a parameter to be of any data type, this does** *not *work for arrays. **It is a very common misconception that declaring the function parameter As Variant() will allow you to accept an array of any type. This is flat wrong.
Use dynamic arrays, pass by reference to functions which then redim the array.
To pass an array of any type to a procedure, don't declare the parameter as an array. Instead, declare it as a Variant (not an array of Variants). A single Variant variable may contain an array. This is illustrated in the code below.
This is my number 1 productivity tip in Google Sheets. To remove all formatting from a cell (or range of cells), hit Cmd + \ on a Mac or Ctrl + \ on a PC.
Datatypes: ust numbers (dates, numbers) or text (left aligned). If you want to force something to be stored as text, you can prepend a single quote, ' before the cell contents.
Code with Apps Script.
// for comments
Ctrl + / to comment / uncomment a block
Alt + up / down to move a code block
Highlight and press tab to clear up indentation
Ctrl + space to bring up auto complete
Use logger.log() to debug steps
Variables are any type. E.g. var counter = 0
Arrays use square brackets:
var fruitsArray = [ "apple", "banana", "pear" ];
Objects use curly brackets and store key / value pairs:
var book = {
"title": "Apps Script Book",
"author": "Ben Collins"
For loop:
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Foreach loop: Basically it grabs all the data from your array and loops over each item in turn. You can do something, by applying a function, to each item during each loop of the array.
array.forEach(function(item) {
Calculations in Google Sheets are done in your browser and are fast. Similarly, calculations done in Apps Script on the Google servers are lightning fast. But passing data back and forth from Sheet to Apps Script or vice versa, oh boy! That's slow in comparison. (We're still talking seconds or minutes here, but that's slow in computing terms.)
Try to minimize the number of calls you make between your Apps Script and your Google Sheets.
The Apps Script documentation is your friend.
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