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Similarity, Neighbors, Clusters


To find similar items

With a new sample, calculate the distance from other points, find the most similar items from the full population.

For predictive modelling

scan population for nearest neighbors, select N, combine these with an average, max etc. Use a combining function. For classification, could be a vote between classes, with a probability estimation. For regression, can take average, or weighted average.

Distance functions

Combining functions

How many neighbors?

Use odd for majority. Knn. When k = full data set, you get the average of the dataset. k is complexity parameter, so usual overfitting issues.

issues with Knn

  1. knn is not very intelligible in terms of model, and ay not be easy to justify why being like another point means the same outcome.

  2. Knn is the distance function, the combining unction and the dataset.

  3. Fast for training (no training) but slow for prediction.

  4. Where using distance function, features need to be normalized. Categories need to be hot one encoded.


Heirarchical clustering

use distance function, start with one cluster, then remove one point and find the new cluster for n-1 points. Get a dendogram showing the distance between clusters, and which points are in each cluster. Good for e.g. gene clusters.

Clustering around centriods

k-means clustering starts with desired number, and choose starting points. Each data item assigned to nearest point, then average of points for each cluster taken to get the new centroid for the cluster. Then repeat, gradually stabilising.


can be tricky: being in a group says something, but the list is maybe the answer to domain experts. Or explain with the item nearest the centre.