Tab completion Command mode with grey cell, edit mode is green cell. %run to run a .py file Object? for help Object?? For source code Np.*load*? To show
%run (with file name) to run in new namespace %load (with file name) to load a file to a cell %paste to paste from clipboard to a cell %cpaste to paste from clipboard to a cell but not execute %matplotlib inline ! does a command system op, e.g. !cat filename %%timeit to run a few loops of timing info Series.drop? to get help
Jupyter starts automatically if necessary.
Looks pretty similar. Nice table viewer and plot viewer. Debub by exporting jupyter file as a python file, and back again. Live share. Variable explorer.
Can connect to remote jupyter server.
Like a large scale GIT for data. Store on AWS, manage versions of data.
run terminal f5 to run debugger. Config saved in launch.json